Bear's House de Montpellier

FranceBear's House



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28, Rue de l'Université, 34000, Montpellier, Hérault, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 99 65 56 64
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6129159, Longitude: 3.8769795

commentaires 5

  • en

    Kevin Serre


    Best place in town for a great Craftbeer. They rotate their taps quite often so you can always have an amazing brew from all around the world. The owners are very knowledgeable and can guide anyone towards the perfect glass of beer.

  • Jeanette Michael

    Jeanette Michael


    Amazing selection of craft beers from around the world!

  • Denis Desrosiers

    Denis Desrosiers


    A rare find in the south west of France. Bear's House has great craft beer on tap and you can also buy bottles to take home. The bottles can be a bit expensive, so pay attention, but there were reasonably priced beers on tap. There is also nice outdoor seating and it's in a lively part of Montpellier, so the people watching can be good.

  • Richard Moot

    Richard Moot


    Friendly staff who know their beers. Very good, changing selection of craft beers on tap, and an large choice of bottled beers. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Ezekiel Seraphim


    Great choice of beers, even though they might come as a bit too expensive.

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