Barco Latino de Strasbourg

FranceBarco Latino


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Presqu'île André-Malraux, 67000, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 3 88 23 59 06
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.5740459, Longitude: 7.7606281

commentaires 5

  • en

    Paul Fisk


    Good place to go dancing without a cover charge. Usually mostly salsa before midnight and after that it's reggaeton. It's often very crowded but the nights there are always fun.

  • Fabiana Carrero

    Fabiana Carrero


    Nice atmosphere!

  • Gabriel Milluzzo

    Gabriel Milluzzo


    This is a super fun bar that has become a regular hot spot amongst me and my friends. The prices are fair and the atmosphere is very fun. I really like the way it is set up in the boat because it takes you out of every day life and into this little secluded world of fun. The music is awesome. I really enjoy the Latin and Latin fusion music often played here. Some nights they even have live music. Always a good time! It does get quite smelly some nights depending on the crowd. Just a warning.

  • Jenny Murillo

    Jenny Murillo


    The piña colada was not good, and the music is not so good neither. Not to much space to dance.

  • Francesco Calazzo

    Francesco Calazzo


    A boat on the river, wanting to offer a cool watering hole of Hispanic flavor. I don't favor it but it ain't half bad!

Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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