Baobar de Amiens




🕗 horaire

2, Rue des Bondés, 80000, Amiens, Somme, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 3 22 72 94 20
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8955394, Longitude: 2.3035924

commentaires 5

  • en

    Bola Ojo


    Staff are friendly and really kind! Great selection of rum

  • Kat Nowakowski

    Kat Nowakowski


    Good ambience and the cocktails and drinks aren't so bad 😉

  • Danielle Smith

    Danielle Smith


    Great music and the staff is very friendly.

  • Magdalena Wróbel

    Magdalena Wróbel


    Maybe it's a cool place,but telling people with backpacks they cannot come in (because of reasons- maybe if security and waiters spoke English,I'd know them) is a new level of being a freaking a**hole. They wanted to search my bags and then told me I can only sit outside, although I was cold and wet because of the rain.6 I don't recommend this place to backpackers and other unconventional-looking people.

  • lobna salem

    lobna salem


    I like the fraise drink there

Bar la plus proche

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