Alamo Rent A Car de Blagnac

FranceAlamo Rent A Car



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Aéroport de Toulouse-Blagnac, 31700 Blagnac, Frankreich
contact téléphone: +33 5 61 30 00 01
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6307187, Longitude: 1.373867

commentaires 3

  • en

    Annie McMahon


    We returned our car prior to the office opening because our flight left early. There had been no damage to the car nor had we driven on any rough roads. We received a bill of 850euro a week later (in addition the 500euro deposit they had taken). After multiple emails and phone calls they said a light was broken and we are charged that amount until the repair bill comes through. We have no way of disputing since we don't live in France. They are not responding to emails and 3 weeks later we have no refund of the difference in price. Alamo customer service in the US is worthless in helping with the situation, saying it's a franchise. Will never rent from Alamo or Enterprise again.

  • fr

    Alexandre Freschet


  • en

    Leif Appelgren


    Stay away from Alamo in Toulouse airport, France! Our flight was delayed until the morning after we were supposed to arrive, so I tried to call the Alamo desk in Toulouse to inform them about the delay. They didn't pick my call although I called several times, both on the day we were supposed to arrive and in the morning after. When we finally arrived in Toulouse, they said our booking was cancelled (although it was pre-paid) because we didn't arrive on time. They didn't have any replacement car and they even demanded a cancellation fee of 80 Euros! This was the first and last time I used Alamo!

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