Résidence La Frégate i Le Havre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigRésidence La Frégate


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88, Rue Charles Laffitte, 76600, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 2 35 24 57 57
internet side: www.residencelafregate.fr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.493218, Longitude: 0.1307107

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Messa Houti


    Hotel décevant les photos ne ressemble pas à la réalité les parties commune couloirs hall ascenseur dégoûtant mauvaise odeur???? Les chambres fonctionnelles..avec mauvaise odeur à revoir l équipe du nettoyage dommage. Bon accueil à la réception.

  • pl

    Pawel Kawalko


    Obsługa RECEPCJI jest miła reszta pozostawia wiele do życzenia. Często brakuje chleba szynki czy sera na śniadanie. Obsługa sprzątająca mogłaby lepiej wykonywać swoje obowiązki. WiFi TRAGEDIA!!! POKOJE z małym aneksem kuchennym i wygodnym materacem

  • Adrian Hodorogeanu

    Adrian Hodorogeanu


    Clean and very welcoming staff. They need to work hard regarding internet connection. Is very very poor.

  • Joao Lancos

    Joao Lancos


    The main disadvantage is that Windows of onde part of the building Open to a Macdonalds Mcdrive. Smell, Cars engines running while waiting in cue can be annoying. Advantages comfortable matress, fridge And kitchenette equipes for use, WC enough for use Bath, toilette And sink. BREAKFAST is great...FRESH ORANGE JUICE FRESH BREAD, YOGHURT FROZEN AND CONVENTIONAL, NICE the fact of the reception having a basket with croissants that guests can eat.

  • en

    Ricarda Weh


    The room was ok-ish but the parking is super dodgy! Glass and rubbish everywhere and our car window got smashed overnight. Hotel makes out that parking is public but from a good hotel I would expect that they either warn you about the area or do something to provide safe parking (the police told us that guests from this hotel come to them with smashed windows all the time). Don't go here if you have a car.

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