Oisellerie du Pont Neuf i Paris

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FrankrigOisellerie du Pont Neuf



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18, Quai de la Mégisserie, 75001, Paris, Paris, FR Frankrig
kontakter telefon: +33 1 42 36 42 01
internet side: www.animalerie-paris.com
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Latitude: 48.8582763, Longitude: 2.3438484

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Guillaume C


    Cher, peu aimable. Très peu de choix en poissons combattants, uniquement des queues de voile rouges ou bleus vendus à 15 euros. Et un ou deux plus rares vendus 39 euros ! C 'est le triple de certains magasins. Et le rayon canin est à pleurer. Des chiots entassés les uns sur les autres. Très décevant, je m' attendais à beaucoup mieux et plus professionnel.

  • Yvette Hatrak

    Yvette Hatrak


    The staff is knowledge, helpful and clearly loves the animals they work with. They are very protective of tourists just wanting to make this another destination stop for photos and will not let you interact with the puppies are kittens for "fun". Delphine was so helpful and knowledgable. She spent over an hour with my daughter and I, on the phone with our airline making sure the kitten we were purchasing would meet all the necessary travel requirements back to the States; she went well beyond what was required of her. In our time here in Paris, we have been to the shop three different times, and each time we have seen nothing but clean conditions for all the pets and wonderful caring professional attention from the staff. I understand, by some of the reviews, that everyone has their own personal opinions regarding purchasing pets versus adoption from a shelter-all our current and past pets until this kitten have been rescues-but that personal view point should not give anyone an opportunity to falsely accuse a business of misconduct. Oisellerie Du Pont Neuf is a caring, humane, professional pet shop for those who choose the route of purchasing a pet rather, or in addition to rescue/adoption. I would definitely recommend to anyone and come again. We had an excellent experience.

  • fr



    Je suis assez choquée des conditions de vie des animaux dans cette animalerie. Ça me fend le coeur... Comment cette animalerie peut-elle encore exister ? Les chiot viennent de Hongrie... J'ai vu un petit teckel manger les crottes de son compagnon. Chien et chats mélangés. Prix excessifs. Lapins les uns sur les autres. J'ai tellement de peine pour ces petits animaux :(

  • fr



    Un seul mot : fuyez ! Prix indécents, injustifiés même par rapport à l'emplacement du magasin. Tout est beaucoup trop cher : animaux, accessoires, nourriture... Par rapport à d'autres endroits, certains prix sont multipliés par 4. Les vendeurs ne sont pas de bons conseils. D'ailleurs, ils ne sont avenants que lorsque vous attendez à la caisse... Je suis triste d'avoir à publier un tel avis...

  • Jordan Richard Darcy

    Jordan Richard Darcy


    CLOSE THIS STORE DOWN FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY!! I went here to find some small treats for my dog, but instead left HORRIFIED. The conditions that the animals are subject to in this store are absolutely APPALLING. The DOGS have barely a Guinea Pig sized cage, teething dogs have absolutely nothing to chew on, so instead are chewing on their toilet bowl! These young pups should be running around, being happy and active; but instead they are laying down, depressed, inactive, in a cage that is no bigger than 1x1 metre. Even small animals such as Guinea Pigs and Rabbits have HAMSTER SIZED cages, and even worse, there are up to 4 of them IN THE SAME CAGE! In addition to this, the staff are absolutely rude, and obviously have no concern or care for animals. However the most horrific thing by far is; due to the location of this store, it has obviously become a tourist attraction, making clueless foreigners come to appreciate how adorable the animals behind the “glass wall” are, as if this was a museum of the most adorable animals in Paris. So please, do all your animal friends a favour; DON’T SUPPORT THIS STORE Don’t buy anything there, don’t visit it, and let this nightmare of a store go out of business once and for all.

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