Les Métamorphoses i Paris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigLes Métamorphoses



🕗 åbningstider

15, Rue du Petit Pont, 75005, Paris, Paris, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 1 46 33 81 97
internet side: les-metamorphoses.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.8523536, Longitude: 2.346542

kommentar 5

  • Yasel Bouchot

    Yasel Bouchot


    Bon accueil des vendeuses, large choix de bijoux pour celles qui apprécient le "vintage"...néanmoins j'ai l'impression que certains ne sont que des copies d'anciens; doute sur l'authenticité d'autant qu'aucune facture n'est délivrée à l'achat. les prix sont élevés.

  • fr

    ouardia VILAR


    Je ne recommande pas Le magasin ne respecte pas les horaires d ouvertures. Aucune affiche ni avertissement de fermeture exceptionnelle ...

  • Arnaud Celotto

    Arnaud Celotto


    bon accueil , conseils fiable Les bijoux et les pierres sont magnifique

  • Angela Casias

    Angela Casias


    Unique items. Lots of one of a kind things.

  • Caitlin Feehan

    Caitlin Feehan


    The shop itself was unique and had a huge selection of beautiful jewellery, but be wary of the claim that it's "vintage". I was told that the ring I bought was from the 1960s, and once I got back from my trip, I found out it was actually made in the last couple of years. Thankfully I bought it for its look and not its age, but it makes me wonder about the integrity of the rest of the items in the store! It might be smart to get a second opinion before you buy.

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