Les Fermes de Gally i Saint-Cyr-l'École

FrankrigLes Fermes de Gally



🕗 åbningstider

CD 7 - Route de Bailly, 78210, Saint-Cyr-l'École, Yvelines, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 1 30 14 60 60
internet side: www.ferme.gally.com
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Latitude: 48.817147, Longitude: 2.0806164

kommentar 5

  • Ilian Sebti

    Ilian Sebti


    Beautifull place, worth a visit to buy organic food and drinks, plants for your garden and balcony. There is also a tour to visit the farm for the kids

  • en

    Myles Jacobs


    Enjoy the vast veriaty of everything to do with gardening, good food and pets. 3 minutes walk from a beautiful patting farm, great for families

  • Alexandre Wentzo

    Alexandre Wentzo


    Always fun to visit this farm with our children. Also great place to buy organic food

  • Matthew le Cordeur

    Matthew le Cordeur


    Excellent food prepared with the very best produce. Very chic interior with some chickens living it up in a room looking into the restaurant.

  • katarina colomar

    katarina colomar


    It is a really big area, perfect to spend a weekend with your family or friends.You can find and collect lots of fruits, vegetables and even flowers here when it is a season for a very good price. You can shop here for their artisanal food products and eat in the nice coffee shop (not so low price). You can visit petting farm and there is twice a day some programme​ for children. For this is a charge 6 euro per person.

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