Le souk de Lille

FranceLe souk



🕗 horaire

27, Place Sébastopol, 59000, Lille, Nord, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 3 28 07 93 95
site web: www.lesouklille.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.6293369, Longitude: 3.0569483

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Iwo Pel


    Super endroit ! Il y règne une ambiance agréable. Nous sommes toujours bien accueillis. Bonne Cuisine. Continuez

  • en

    Fran Giddings


    Very good ambience and staff. You need to wrap up warm as it is very cold in there. Better out back but hard to be seated there. Great if you eat meat. Not so good for vegetarians as they don't give you the nice things that they give the meat eaters, i.e almonds, artichokes, beans etc. If you are veggie you get green beans and peas and not a lot else. If they think about this it would get 4 stars.

  • en

    Nick Fripp


    Great place, great service, great value.

  • en

    Raphaël da Silva


    top !

  • yon ortiz de urbina

    yon ortiz de urbina


    Couscous d'exception

Épicerie ou supermarché la plus proche

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