Le Pullman Paris Centre - Bercy i Paris

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FrankrigLe Pullman Paris Centre - Bercy


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1, Rue de Libourne, 75012, Paris, Paris, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 1 44 67 34 00
internet side: www.pullmanhotels.com
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Latitude: 48.831397, Longitude: 2.387139

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maria Gerdes


    Great staff, wonderful accommodations, and great location

  • en

    loretta lung


    Good location, room is clean and staff are very friendly

  • en

    olivier heinkele


    Lovely staff, good food and nice atmospher. Very enjoyable with children

  • Marat Jason

    Marat Jason


    I’ve stayed here a couple of times before but this last stay has been quite disappointing. The whole first floor is being renovated, the entrances had been switched, which makes the lobby constantly crowded and chaotic. It feels like you are passing through a train station, with huge crowds of people playing cards in the lobby at all times, twice there were people who got into and elevator with us without a key card to go up, the second time we got out of the elevator and went to search for the security, but the guy took the elevator with other guests meanwhile, it just felt really unsafe and definitely not a 4 stars hotel category. I read good reviews about breakfast and add it for the first time. Aside from not having the variety you’d expect for 28€ (forget the carrot cake you’ve seen on many photos they publish on websites, there were no cakes at all), the service was plain rude. The host seriously lacked customer service skills, it wasn’t just us, she was not nice to anyone. The room look outdated, with a very small window (for the first timE). The fire alarm went off at 9:30am during at least 10 minutes. I have to mention the positive sides too of course: the reception was as nice and welcoming as always. And the housekeeping did a very good job! Overall, I would not recommend in terms of price/quality ratio, at least until the renovations are finished.

  • Taco Bakker

    Taco Bakker


    Conveniently located hotel for a business trip to Paris Bercy. The rooms are a bit outdated. The bed has two sides with different softness. Something to remember if you don't like it initially. The hotel is fairly priced. There is a cosy bar with nice wines. Breakfast is very extensive and good. Staff is friendly and helpful. So definitely a hotel to recommend if you visit Paris.

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