Le Grand Hôtel de Tours i Tours

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigLe Grand Hôtel de Tours



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9, Place du Général Leclerc, 37000, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 2 47 05 35 31
internet side: www.legrandhoteltours.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.3898893, Longitude: 0.6925387

kommentar 5

  • Howard Jones

    Howard Jones


    Traditional city centre Hotel. Clean rooms, very friendly and helpful reception staff.

  • Kannika Bassett

    Kannika Bassett


    Nice old French style, staff really very good and helpful .will recommend

  • en

    Keith Danckwerts


    Service good rooms comfortable. Conveniently close to railway station. Well situated lots of restaurants and vibrant streets

  • Seiji Miyoshi

    Seiji Miyoshi


    The elevator is quite old and small. The room I had was clean, there were a bathroom and had a nice view to the train station. Overall really welcoming.

  • en

    Jenelle Marino


    We was given a room that smelt awful, like mold. The room in general was not nice, depressing. The bed leg was broken therefore bed collapsed on sitting on it. Discovered when running a bath that there was a hidden leak that run under floor a wet the carpet floor near foot of bed outside the bathroom. We got our room changed to a much nicer one via night porter. So be aware there are awful rooms and nice rooms there. We found there is other hotels much better and much cheaper. The reception next morning on check out were dismissive and no apology. I do not recomend.

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