Hotel Sofitel Paris La Défense i Puteaux

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FrankrigHotel Sofitel Paris La Défense



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33, Voie des Sculpteurs, 92800, Puteaux, Hauts-de-Seine, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 1 47 76 44 43
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Latitude: 48.8883416, Longitude: 2.2472314

kommentar 5

  • Genevieve Young-Ayuk

    Genevieve Young-Ayuk


    Nice place to stay when you are in La Défense Paris. The rooms and bathrooms are spacious (this is a singularity in Paris where everywhere is so small), well kept and well decorated. The staff is very professional and nice. Even the food is good to some extent. I will definitely recommend this hotel or come back whenever I visit Paris.

  • Sven Van de Velde

    Sven Van de Velde


    Sofitel is a great hotel chain. I have stayed a lot of sofitel. In Budapest, Lissabon, France... Great food. Great rooms. Wonderful service. I had saved over 200.000 points. In give one bad score because the took these points away because I wasn't in a Sofitel hotel for a year...

  • Paul



    Great hotel, the building is a bit dated and typical for the style in la defense. But the hotel made the absolute best of it. The styling is nice, the food is excellent and the atmosphere is perfect. What really makes the place worth a five star rating is the staff though. It is the most friendly staff I have experienced in any European trip. They behave on levels generally only seen in Asia. On all my visits the staff do everything to make me feel at home and no request is to much. Despite the weird building it makes me feel like coming home every time. Also worth mentioning is how Sofitel manages to create that special European luxury feeling in all their hotels. Highly recommended!

  • Brian Witt

    Brian Witt


    We booked through American Airlines vacations. Having traveled to Paris five times now (my wife loves this city), I knew that this property was just a short Metro ride from downtown. We couldn't have been more satisfied with this hotel! The room was fantastic and the staff was very nice and helpful. A particular front desk person (his name escapes me) always remembered our names and was eager to provide assistance. We will definitely return to this wonderful hotel.

  • Warren Gatland

    Warren Gatland


    We both loved our stay at Sofitel. The location was great for us as it is a stones throw from the metro which allowed us to get in and out of Paris easily. The hotel room was spacious with a very large comfortable bed. The bathroom was also fantastic. After long days of travelling around Paris we looked forward to the luxury of our hotel room. We heard good things about the staff at the hotel before we booked from reviews and we were not disappointed. The staff were all extremely friendly and went to great effort to help us whenever we needed it.

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