Hotel Mercure Le Havre Centre Bassin du Commerce i Le Havre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigHotel Mercure Le Havre Centre Bassin du Commerce



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Chaussée Georges Pompidou, 76600, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 2 35 19 50 50
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.49028, Longitude: 0.116959

kommentar 5

  • Mario Alen

    Mario Alen


    Lot's of parking in- and outdoor in the evening, rooms can use refreshment but they already started outside I think last time... Maybe on the French rhythm of ~ a l'aise ~ good breakfast but bed could be better

  • Alain Dehaene

    Alain Dehaene


    friendly staff, had good night sleep

  • Mikhail Charopka

    Mikhail Charopka


    Very good, cosy and modern hotel. The personal is professional and ask all your needs. Very good for business trips. Not far from the railway station and shopping centers. Also a great view on the main city monuments.

  • Ray Crawford

    Ray Crawford


    Under renovation but very clean local to all restaurants- beaches and shopping areas - with great views of LE Harve

  • en

    Willem Jan Borghardt


    Good location to stay if you want to walk around town. Had the upgraded room with rainshower. Nice beds, free Wifi and good breakfast. Pillows are quite hard and only French TV available.

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