Hotel Mercure Bordeaux Lac i Bordeaux

FrankrigHotel Mercure Bordeaux Lac



🕗 åbningstider

Rue du Grand Barail, 33300, Bordeaux, Gironde, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 5 56 43 36 72
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.8896854, Longitude: -0.5631654

kommentar 5

  • en

    jsbs ho


    I really enjoyed the service, the food, the room and everything in general. The room service was very good. The location was very good because it was close to the city.

  • en

    Mark Chamberlain


    Very poorly organised.

  • en

    Lukas Lebovsky


    Lovely remotely located hotel with nice swimming pool outdoor

  • Harry Tanner

    Harry Tanner


    Really nice hotel. Friendly, attentive staff. Clean spacious rooms. Big pool and good restaurant. Five minute walk to the tram stop and then 20-30 minutes into central Bordeaux.

  • Vaya Anda

    Vaya Anda


    Clean, spacious, comfortable, modern design. Hot water, teas and coffees, fridge with complementary water bottle. Places and furniture to set bags. Well lit bathroom and room. Alarm service, Large plasma tv with local and international channels. Very nice lobby with bar and restaurant. Food stores and restaurants a block away. Nice., small breakfast buffet with good assortment of fruits, breads, and typical egg bacon sausage selection.

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