Hotel ibis Toulouse Centre i Toulouse

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigHotel ibis Toulouse Centre



🕗 åbningstider

2, Rue Claire Pauilhac, 31000, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 5 61 63 61 63
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.6103273, Longitude: 1.4461527

kommentar 5

  • Jiří Lička

    Jiří Lička


    Hotel is pretty close to the downtown and public transport. Parking house is around 1 minute by walk. There are very tiny rooms respectively bathrooms in this hotel. There is wardrobe missing in the room. Available are just small shelves.

  • en

    Carl Bontoft


    Good location. Friendly front desk staff. Clean rooms with nice bed.

  • Pedro Torres

    Pedro Torres


    Location is very good, it is very close to the middle of the city. The room is small, the bed is very good and the bathroom is very small, however everything is clean and clear!!

  • en



    Very central and about 5-10 minutes walk to the basilica and the Place du Capitole with the Victor Hugo market even closer. There is street parking available on Rue Matabiau if you're lucky for about 1.5 euros per hour and free before 9am (Monday to Saturday) - cheaper than the hotel's parking. The hotel is on a small side street which means it's quiet. The lobby is funky and the reception staff are helpful. The room was typical Ibis - modern, clean and basic. However it is very small, particularly the bathroom although we didn't mind this.

  • en

    Nicky Murdoch


    Well located hotel with a nice bar in Toulouse. The rooms are as you'd expect from an Ibis, comfortable and functional. The staff are pleasant and professional. I'd stay here again.

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