Hotel ibis Styles Paris Nation Cours de Vincennes i Paris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigHotel ibis Styles Paris Nation Cours de Vincennes



🕗 åbningstider

96, Cours de Vincennes, 75012, Paris, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 1 43 43 97 93
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.846876, Longitude: 2.408013

kommentar 5

  • sabry ahamed

    sabry ahamed


    Room lock not working. No place to hang the clothes. Bathroom lights does not help in the mirror.... Many bad things to say... Too expensive for these facilities. Should be single star...

  • Anuttama Ghosh

    Anuttama Ghosh


    Very small room with barely any space to move. Very small bathroom. Water leaked from the tap to the floor and made the room slippery. The room was damp and smelly. The window opening on the street was the only positive part.

  • Swapnil Nalkar

    Swapnil Nalkar


    Good connectivity. Metro station right in front.

  • Liz McAuliffe

    Liz McAuliffe


    Nice staff and close to subway, good local market, on a Wednesday I think.

  • Saiful Zulkifli

    Saiful Zulkifli


    Value for money...cosy and comfy room...just nice for couples. But room is very small, of course. At this price, what can one expect? Anyway, its a good hotel

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