Hotel ibis budget Le Mans Centre i Le Mans

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FrankrigHotel ibis budget Le Mans Centre


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18, Rue Saint-Bertrand, 72000, Le Mans, Sarthe, FR Frankreich
kontakter telefon: +33 892 68 40 15
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.0018543, Longitude: 0.2034918

kommentar 5

  • Graham Patterson

    Graham Patterson


    Standard IBIS, small sparse rooms but perfectly adequate for one night or more of you only want go there to sleep.

  • en

    Artur Skolimowski


    Good location almost in city center. Walking distance from train station and main square. Reception open only on morning and evening any way next door you have Mercure hotel reception open 24h. As well you have secured parking and not to bad rooms with air conditioning.

  • Luciano Postel

    Luciano Postel


    De los Ibis más feos que visite, le vendría bien un lavado de cara. El personal poco atento y el desayuno muy basico

  • Matteo Scarsini

    Matteo Scarsini


    It is a two stars hotel but is quite good and cheap. The rooms are new and pleasant. The breakfast is good and complete. The staff is helpful and nice. The only problem is the limited parking. Overall vote 7.5/10.

  • Vincent Philippoz

    Vincent Philippoz


    Plutôt bien situé, il convient bien pour passer 1 ou 2 nuits. Les chambres sont propres, un peu petites. Bon rapport qualité/prix

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