Hotel Flor Rivoli i Paris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigHotel Flor Rivoli



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13, Rue des 2 Boules, 75001, Paris, Paris, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 1 42 33 49 60
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.8591242, Longitude: 2.3452156

kommentar 5

  • Robert Flack

    Robert Flack


    The staff at this hotel were very friendly and accommodating. While there is an elevator, it's very small and I preferred taking the stairs. However, the stairs are also quite narrow and winding so you have to take them carefully. The hotel is technically open 24 hours but they lock the exterior door at night so you have to ring or knock to get in. There's no air conditioning so you'll need to keep the windows open in the summer. However, this means that you'll get the noises from the busy nearby streets. Overall, it's an economical place to stay with friendly staff but be prepared for no A/C, street noises, and a narrow winding staircase.

  • Magnus Sleipnes

    Magnus Sleipnes


    Genius location, simple, but good breakfast and a sweet staff.

  • en

    Chia Liu


    This is one of hotel you want to avoid if you want good memory of Paris. Worst smell in the bathroom and in the room.

  • Alvaro Kawaoku

    Alvaro Kawaoku


    Good location, small room and a bit hot ( without air-conditioned)

  • Mayank Pandey

    Mayank Pandey


    Superb location. All the basic facilities available. Smallish rooms but honestly you don't need a central location hotel in a big city just to sit inside the hotel. It's perfect for people like us who just want a super accessible place for overnight crashing.

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