Hôtel Auteuil Tour Eiffel i Paris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigHôtel Auteuil Tour Eiffel


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8-10, Rue Félicien David, 75016, Paris, Paris, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33
internet side: www.auteuiltoureiffel.com
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Latitude: 48.850637, Longitude: 2.275293

kommentar 5

  • edaly sy

    edaly sy


    Good hotel. A little old furniture that can be updated. Service was ok

  • Maria Padaliak

    Maria Padaliak


    Reception do not accept usd currancy notstandingwiththefact there us no currency exchange in the hotel.. the nearest one is near the Eiffel Tower.

  • en

    Ana Maria Ungar


    amazing service, very good location

  • Peedee PD

    Peedee PD


    The room was clean and the receptionist was very nice. Transport was p convenient with the bus 72 was right outside which went to all the tourist attractions.

  • David Rorick

    David Rorick


    Staff was great. Spoke good enough English. Helped when addressed. The view is not great but the cost was cheap enough that I didn't expect a great view. Same with location. It is about a 10 minute walk to the nearest metro or 30ish minutes to the Eiffel tower. There is a nice mall right across the bridge if you need anything. Summers in Paris are rather warm and when we first got to our room the AC felt great. It was just cool enough. Sometime through the night this stopped being the case and come noon the room was stagnant and hot. Bed is low to the ground. But firm and comfortable. Wifi requires an email, we just put in a throwaway email. You don't have to verify. We were given one towel and had to talk to the front desk to get another. Overall, decent hotel for a good price. Would have been 4 stars if the AC was better.

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