Hotel Atmospheres**** i Paris

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FrankrigHotel Atmospheres****



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31, Rue des Écoles, 75005, Paris, Paris, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 1 43 26 56 02
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.848626, Longitude: 2.348054

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rebecca Masur


    Staff has been very helpful and the room is comfortable and quiet. Great location in a quieter area away but still central.

  • en

    Jeff Defalco


    Nice rooms, good location. Outstanding staff and service. I will definitely return the next time I'm in Paris

  • en

    Amrutha Kumar


    This hotel is ideally situated as it is a 5 min walk to Notre Dame and the Pantheon. Close to the Metro and Bus. The rooms were clean and neat and the staff were polite and friendly. The check in and check out process was quick and smooth. The rooms are small and the temperature control could be improved as the they got super heated even though we changed the thermostat settings several times. Overall, nice stay.

  • David Manton

    David Manton


    Second visit to this hotel in Paris and easily my favourite place to stay while here! Very friendly and accommodating staff and in a great location, elegant modern interior and tastefully styled rooms which are the size you would expect in this town. The showers are excellent; a large tray with a rainfall shower head. The breakfast has also been included both times we have stayed and it's a decent buffet style continental fare. Overall I couldn't recommend this hotel enough, it's the perfect little spot a walk from the metro or 10 minutes to Notre Dame

  • Ryle Z

    Ryle Z


    Amazing hotel and service. Staff was very friendly and respectful. The hotel offers a sauna and small gym equipment. They also serve breakfast for 16€. This was my first time to Paris and I really enjoy the hotel room as it was peaceful and very clean. I would recommend it and when it visit again I would stay again.

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