Holiday Inn Toulon - City Centre i Toulon

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FrankrigHoliday Inn Toulon - City Centre



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1, Avenue Rageot de la Touche, 83000, Toulon, Var, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 4 94 92 00 21
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.1269777, Longitude: 5.9232206

kommentar 5

  • Daoud Touth

    Daoud Touth


    I stayed in this hotel 4 days I don't like it because the windows not open and when I asked the information the saying forbidden

  • 7alosh stars

    7alosh stars


    idont likes this place and the room very hot and The windows do not open

  • Tim Boolos

    Tim Boolos


    Good place for a professional meeting Service was very good and the room compact and comfortable. Parking not recommended

  • True Adventure

    True Adventure


    I loved this hotel. Great location -walking distance to train stain/town, great rooms - best of the whole trip actually and the largest. Pool is small and cold but heck, few hotels have them at all so i was happy to have it. I found Toulon VERY windy actually and the pool furniture sometimes ended up in the pool as a result. Had a very nice time in this city at this hotel. Weakness? The dinner food wasn't fabulous but the breakfast was good and as i said the staff was nice. A few decent priced souvenirs in a display in the lobby.




    Hands down, the worst hotel ever. Asked the front desk for an iron, they told me they don't have irons. Later that day I see my buddy getting an iron from the front desk. I made reservations online for 4 nights, when I checked in I told them I wanted to depart a day early and theyrefused to let me do that which is really upsetting. 2 stars only. The bed has a big indentation in the middle of it. The bar is pretty nice.

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