Europole Hotel i Grenoble

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigEuropole Hotel


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29, Rue Pierre Semard, 38000, Grenoble, Isère, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 4 76 49 51 52
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Latitude: 45.1902603, Longitude: 5.7121933

kommentar 5

  • Martin Afrodědek Křivánek

    Martin Afrodědek Křivánek


    I stay there quite often for my business trips. Nice place, good service and restaurant and friendly people. I can only recommend it.

  • Katarzyna G

    Katarzyna G


    Good hotel, clean, bright rooms. Great choice for breakfast!

  • en

    marco sfolcini


    I remember it as better place.

  • Shankar Narayanan

    Shankar Narayanan


    Nice hotel for the price!!! Food gud, but breakfast need to be improved. All Transport walkable distance.

  • Bill Lindberg

    Bill Lindberg


    The Europole was nicely decorated and conveniently located for walking to some nearby offices where I was working. The rooms are adequate and the hotel staff is very helpful and friendly. It appeared that everyone spoke good English although this is not uncommon in this area. I enjoyed the breakfast especially the bread, fruit and juice.

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