Eric Kayser de Paris

FranceEric Kayser



🕗 horaire

79, Avenue Mozart, 75016, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 42 88 03 29
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8529444, Longitude: 2.268584

commentaires 5

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    Emilie Leaf


    A big disappointment... My fiance and I were about to buy a wedding cake at Eric Kayser and the pastry chef just didnt make the cake whithout warning anyone. The customer service of this bakery is not trustworthy.

  • Scott Koedel

    Scott Koedel


    Highest quality baked goods we've had. Professional staff.

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    Kevin Smith


    Very quaint bakery with wonderful staff. The croissants are to die for!

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    A Google User


    The best danish I have ever had! Find this Paris gem and enjoy!!!

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    A Google User


    Wonderful little tarts, quiches and espresso at Kayser's pastry shop just a window or two up the street from the bakery. Great bread at the bakery as well!

Boulangerie la plus proche

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