Denfert-Rochereau i Paris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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75014 Paris, France
kontakter telefon: +33
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Latitude: 48.8331053, Longitude: 2.3335638

kommentar 5

  • Ignatus Ujomor

    Ignatus Ujomor


    At least you can access train here. That's all!

  • London Flareon Huntley

    London Flareon Huntley


    Fairly, It's a pretty nice stop. With a connection to the RER.

  • François Varas-Genestier

    François Varas-Genestier


    Both on RERB and Métro exits there are lots of bars and restaurants.

  • en

    Ieuan Bounds


    Unfortunately I was pickpocketed here this morning by two tall black men. I was travelling back to CDG airport with my fiancée and they executed their move to perfection! I literally noticed my wallet was missing as the doors shut and the train moved by which point it was too late! Seen some security at other stations but none here, I hope this review leads to increased security so this does not happen to another tourist visiting this amazing city (or a local person of course)

  • Raunaq Vohra

    Raunaq Vohra


    Close to some of the prettiest, most vibrant by-lanes of the city.

nærmeste Transit station

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