Comfort Hôtel d'Angleterre i Le Havre

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FrankrigComfort Hôtel d'Angleterre


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1, Rue Louis Philippe, 76600, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 2 35 42 48 42
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.4940415, Longitude: 0.0993514

kommentar 5

  • James Edmondson

    James Edmondson


    Quiet and clean with an acceptable breakfast. Great coffee.

  • en

    Stijn Blieck


    small but clean rooms, saddly you can hear your neighbour threw the walls. Very friendly staff and a nice morning dinner. Located centrally in the city on walking distance from the beach and city centre. No internal restaurant but this is no problem. walking 100meter from the hotel and you crossed your first restaurants already.

  • Kerstin Leary

    Kerstin Leary


    We booked a superior queen room for extra money and were given 2 twin beds next to each other. We asked for 1 bed and we got a tiny room with a full size bed. The safe didn't work and there was hardly enough room to walk around the bed. This place was expensive and worn down for the price. It was just a bed and shower. The staff was really nice, that is the only reason I gave it 3 stars.

  • David Pecheux

    David Pecheux


    Ok location (close to the beach and a supermarket. But nothing else around really). Hire staff is helpful but the rooms need renovation. Smelly (damp) and old bathroom. Wifi is very week in most of the rooms. Breakfast is continental, very simple. I'll try something else next time I visit Le Havre.

  • Nick Hwang

    Nick Hwang


    Calm, clean. Very close to the beach. Easy to get to (just a few steps from the main tram line). Not much a view however.

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