BNP Paribas de Nice

FranceBNP Paribas


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36, Rue de France, 06000, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, FR Frankrig
contact téléphone: +33 820 82 00 01
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6958616, Longitude: 7.2602382

commentaires 5

  • Philippe Modica

    Philippe Modica


  • Mark Wieczorek

    Mark Wieczorek


    I have been a client at two BNP Paribas branches, and in each case I was extremely disappointed. This bank charges among the highest fees, yet provides no better service than other banks. Though the people who work at this branch are friendly, they won't respond to questions sent to them by your online account. When I was told that the online system was "buggy" and should instead use their email addresses instead, they still didn't respond (or at least were extremely late in responding). It seemed as if each operation (such as ordering a checkbook, bank card, opening an assurance vie) would require to go to the bank in person three times, because each time there would be a problem. There was always a good explanation as to the cause of the problem, but after doing this several times, it just became tiring. Oftentimes, I felt that the counselor should have called a supervisor to solve the problem, instead of running in circles for months.

  • Katcha Finka

    Katcha Finka


    Si on peut donner 0* je le ferai !!!! horrible agence, service de BNP pareil.

  • fr

    Alexandre Deshayes






    Cette banque n'aide pas du tout les Start-up ... Très compliqué d'obtenir un VAD

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