BlastoDice de Toulouse




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52, Avenue Honoré Serres, 31000, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 9 86 72 51 81
site web:
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Latitude: 43.6151481, Longitude: 1.4377319

commentaires 5

  • Gijom Chanel

    Gijom Chanel


    Excellent place with many many games to play. The games are from many genres including fun games, cooperative games and resources games (German style). There is also a reasonable amount of good beers to try and the service is agreeable. If you like board games you should not miss this place.

  • Laurent Trần Ngọc Dai

    Laurent Trần Ngọc Dai


    This place has a fun concept.

  • MonsieurSethers



    Great choice of games, great prices, and good drinks.

  • Bryce Fingado

    Bryce Fingado


    Despite being left on my own, in a city where I don't speak the language, I was able to find friends in the most unusual places. One of these places was BlastoDice, a former Moroccan restaurant turned into a board game bar. For those looking to play games with friends there are almost 500 games to choose from and for those traveling abroad and speak very little French, the staff are very fluent in English. Furthermore the beers on tap are really good and those in bottles from far off places such as Corsica. The history of the bar is interesting and the artwork original (done by local friends) and most of the customers are regulars who all know one another (giving the bar a homely feel). Thanks are necessary to the owners of BlastoDice, Fabian and Francois for all the times spent talking about politics, religion, culture, for teaching me traditional French games such as 421, Dutch games like Krone un Kragen and the exchange of opinions on French and American people. I have never met such an interesting group of French men, learned so many French sayings and felt so welcome on my French travels. I will be back my friends!!! - Bryce

  • en

    Rayan Sammut


    Enjoyed a couple of afternoons here, picking from a reasonable selection of games. Could do with more game options and staff more readily available to explain as required. They have a good selection of hot and cold, drinks including beers and non-alcoholic cocktails. They also serve tapas, but these are very basic and quite pricy for what you get. The fee for playing is 2€ per person and you get unlimited time so very affordable.

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