A l'Ombre de Notre Dame i Paris

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FrankrigA l'Ombre de Notre Dame


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20, Rue du Cloître-Notre-Dame, 75004, Paris, Paris, FR Frankrig
kontakter telefon: +33
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Latitude: 48.8535441, Longitude: 2.3496594

kommentar 5

  • Paulina Ramirez

    Paulina Ramirez


    Éramos un grupo numeroso (13 personas) y nos atendieron muy bien y muy rápido. El menú no es extenso, pero está bien para tomar un café y una crepa.

  • Fredrick Clayton

    Fredrick Clayton


    Cozy but seriously overpriced. Very quick service and tasty food. Would have given a higher rating if the prices were more reasonable.

  • Fernando Higareda

    Fernando Higareda


    It is the obvious tourist trap and yet...we were brave (dumb) enough to go in. Is an "old fashioned" style place in front of Notre Dame so you can picture it... To be honest the food is quite good. We ordered two French hot dogs (made with a very long susage, baguette and a lot of cheese on top) one savory crepe and two sweet ones...this is why I'm giving 4 stars, because we really liked the food. The only problem is that it was a check of over 55 Euros...why? Because (we order a bunch of food for only 3 stomaches and) a glass of coke costs 5.50 Euros!!!!! So yes, come here to have lunch or a crepe but DO NOT order soda (probably the wine is cheaper)

  • Fabio



    Crepes deliciosos, você pode escolher se quer comer lá dentro, o preço é mais caro, mas dependendo do tempo lá fora vale muito a pena. Fomos bem atendidos.

  • Michaël Vandendriessche

    Michaël Vandendriessche


    Perfect tourist trap example. Lady was shouting to us for some reason. She started shouting to a colleague, saying that she should 'talk less because it's annoying'. We asked to get an ice cream from the little stall and got the answer 'no, I will bring you some', after which we were of course charged a higher price than the one displayed on the stall. I asked a small coke (25cc), the other option was 50cc. I received a 33cc which cost the same as the 50cc. But, I guess, lovely location?

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