Le Lavoir de Gounod de Nice

FranceLe Lavoir de Gounod



🕗 horaire

33, Rue Gounod, 06000, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, FR Frankreich
contact téléphone: +33 4 93 88 21 05
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.7015628, Longitude: 7.2606411

commentaires 5

  • SO HA

    SO HA


    Laverie clean..... très propre proche gare SNCF

  • Tyran Stig

    Tyran Stig


    This is the WORST laundry in Nice. The machine that you pay didnt work and took all of my money off me without giving it back. It was "broken" but still ' magically' took my money off me. Don't even bother making the effort to go there. Very dissapointing

  • Wa Zai

    Wa Zai


    Hey guys, highly recommend to this laundry shop:) This shop will lock their door at 8pm. The lady was so kind hearted to let me wash my cloths!! There is no cloths for me to wear Orz...As a traveler I forget to count washing and drying time together*_* I love the smell of their soap, natural flavor! Washing machine will wash twice and two times water supply. I am amazed by their dryer. Very great temperature and only 27 mins my cloths is all dry. I bet only 20mins, it's dry enough:)Their shop is also very clean. Give it a try:) no need to walk to old town.

  • de

    Steffen Meier


    Sehr nettes und hilfsbereites Personal. Spricht leider kaum englisch, nur französisch. Es hat trotzdem alles geklappt.

  • en

    Daryle Van Geest


    Friendly & helpful staff, speak small amounts of English.

Blanchisserie la plus proche

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