L'Aquarium de Paris de Paris

FranceL'Aquarium de Paris



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5, Avenue Albert de Mun, 75016, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 40 69 23 23
site web: www.cineaqua.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.862216, Longitude: 2.290996

commentaires 5

  • en

    Gregory Segal


    The place is interesting for my kid of 4 years, but what out me off was the condition of the interior. It is falling apart and no one seem to care. Located within a stone throw from the Eiffel Tower, you would think that the government would spend some money to maintain the place. Wrong! It feels neglected, even though there are wonderful exhibits of sharks, turtles and rare fish there. Somewhat disappointed because I did not get to do many Paris visitors prefer to do things in favor of making 4-year old happy.

  • en

    Diane Bryan


    A wonderful variety of aquatic life. We loved the jelly fish and tbe wonderful colours. Make sure you arrive before 5.

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    Cheryl Hung


    It is not a major attraction as you know, but the location is rather convenient, not far from the Eiffel Tower. We went there mainly for the young one, and I do agree with another comment that it was a bit small for the price you pay. It was better for us as we bought bundle tickets online, which means we visited Cineaqua in the morning, then Musée Grévin after lunch. There was a mini show towards the end of the exhibition areas when we just arrived, and it was rather cute featuring some songs and 'spells' the actress invited all the children to say together with her. It was a comedy and you can see that the children did enjoy it. As it was not crowded, it was quite a good experience to visit the place. We could walk through the tanks and exhibits in a very leisurely manner, adjusting the pace as we wish. The only problem was about the ticketing. When we showed them at the entrance the QR code of the vouchers, their scanner could not recognise them. It happened to us and another family at the queue. For this, we appreciate the assistance and the efficient remedial effort of the man there to let us in as soon as he can, so we were not stuck there for too long (like for only five minutes). If you are with kids, and you have the time, I would recommend paying a visit to this aquarium. Especially in summer, you would enjoy the air-conditioning as well. Oh, forgot to say, the souvenir shop near the exit was a nice little specialist bookstore as well. We bought some nice books about fish or aquarium, etc. from there, at a reasonable price.

  • en

    Aimee Jones


    Overpriced and nothing special about it. Small for what you pay to see and was disappointed by the "touch pool" advertised just being a pool of koi. little variety in that respect. Staff on the other hand were nice.

  • Laetitia Aymonin

    Laetitia Aymonin


    Great for a 2 hour visit with children. Every main species are there. We liked the big shark pool and the pool allowing kids to touch fishes. Peppa Pig cooperation was a nice surprise. I would go back again, especially since it’s close to the Eiffel Tower.

Aquarium la plus proche

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